by Dr. Aluoch
What does a Rheumatologist do?
A rheumatologist treats arthritis, certain autoimmune diseases, musculoskeletal pain disorders and osteoporosis. There are numerous types of these diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and scleroderma to name a few.

At Piedmont Eastside Rheumatology we assess :
- Signs (from a physical exam) and symptoms (what you see and how you feel), including systemic (whole body) involvement by a rheumatic disease
- Joint disorders
- Overall function, including physical, mental well-being and level of independence
- Results of advanced imaging and lab tests
- Treatment options
- Need for more assessment and treatment, such as
-referrals to other health care providers
-orthopedic aids (splint, brace, cane, etc.) or corrective surgery
-hospital stay
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What does a Rheumatologist do?
A rheumatologist treats arthritis, certain autoimmune diseases, musculoskeletal pain disorders and osteoporosis. There are numerous types of these diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, lupus, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and scleroderma to name a few.
At Piedmont Eastside Rheumatology we assess :
- Signs (from a physical exam) and symptoms (what you see and how you feel), including systemic (whole body) involvement by a rheumatic disease
- Joint disorders
- Overall function, including physical, mental well-being and level of independence
- Results of advanced imaging and lab tests
- Treatment options
- Need for more assessment and treatment, such as
-referrals to other health care providers
-orthopedic aids (splint, brace, cane, etc.) or corrective surgery
-hospital stay