Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common chronic joint condition . OA is also called wear-and-tear arthritis , degenerative , and degenerative joint disease .
A joint is where two bones come together . The end of bones is covered by a protective tissue called the cartilage .
With OA , this cartilage breaks down , causing the bones within the joint to rub together . This can cause pain , stiffness ,and other symptoms .
OA can occur in any joint . However , the most commonly affected areas of the body include :
+ the hands
+ Fingers
+ Shoulders
+ Spine , usually at the neck or lower back
+ Hips
+ Knees
OA occurs mostly in older people , although it can occur in adults of any age. Its a leading cause of disability .
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) says that it affects more than 32.5 million adults in the United States .
The most common symptoms of OA include : Joint pain , stiffness in the joint , inflammation , bone spurs ( extra lump of bone ) , which are typically painless , tenderness or discomfort when pressing on the affected areas with your fingers , crepitus or grating , cracking , clicking or popping sounds when you move your joints .
OA is caused by joint damage . This damage can have a cumulative effect over time , which is why age is one of the
main causes of the joint damage leading to OA . The older you are , the more repetitive stress you’ve had on your joints.
+ Past injury , such as torn cartilage , dislocated joints , or ligament injuries .
+ Joint malfunction and
+ Obesity
Typically having OA in one part of your body also increases your risk of developing OA in other parts of your body.
Bottom-line , OA treatment is centered upon symptom management .Often , over-the-counter ( OTC ) medications , lifestyle changes , and home remedies will be enough to provide you with relief from pain , stiffness and swelling .
OA is usually a progressive condition with five stages from 0 to 4 . The first stage represents a typical joint . While stage 4 represents severe OA . Note that not everybody who has OA will progress all the way to stage 4 . Usually the condition does stabilize before reaching this stage .
A number of different types of medications can help provide relief . They include oral pain relievers to help numb the joint area and provide pain relief . NSAIDs like Advil . Corticosteroids like cortisone .Some practices to help take the edge of your symptoms and improve your quality of life are engaging in exercises like walking or swimming for about 30
minutes as well as constant stretching .Adequate sleep cannot be overemphasized because resting your muscles can lower swelling and inflammation . Shedding some pounds helps relieve pressure and reduce pain and ward off risks of other health problems such as heart disease
Granted , there are many types of OA , from OA of the hands to OA of the spine.
You may have risk factors for OA that you can’t change , such as hereditary and age. However , other risk factors can be controlled . Managing them can help reduce your risk of OA .
OA is a chronic condition that doesn’t have a cure . But with treatment the outlook is positive . Never ignore symptoms of chronic joint pain and stiffness . The sooner you speak with your rheumatologist the sooner you can receive a definitive diagnosis , embark on treatment , and improve your quality of
life significantly .

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