How Tin Man From The Wizard of Oz Helps Shed Light On Joint Issues! Piedmont Eastside Rheumatology May 15, 2022
How Tin Man From The Wizard of Oz Helps Shed Light On Joint Issues!

I like witty movies . One of my favorite of all time is the Wizard of oz from the early 80’s.

It’s a VERY ridiculous movie about the
Tin Man whose creaky joints immobilized him and made him walk like a stiff board.

Speaking of which, statistics have it that,
91 million American adults struggle with joint flare-ups.

That’s 43 per cent of ALL adults!

Or to put it another way, 4 out of every 10 Americans suffer silently and stoically (with women hugely tilting the scale more due to hormonal changes).

And the # 1 complaint patients in their 40s on up give about what MOST ruins their quality of life and their happiness is…

Joint issues !

I’m talking about discomfort in your neck, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, knees, ankles, and even feet!

For example, one patient (who we shall call Derrick) told me that, ” Joint flare-ups made me feel like an old grandpa ” at the young age of 58.

“I went from crawling on the floor with my granddaughter a couple of years ago to not being able to play with her much… and even struggling to get out of chairs and walk upstairs when my flare-ups occurred. ”

I’m sure you can empathize with how Derrick feels, and I’ll just sum it up here as Derrick said it best ,


Because it really feels like the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz with creaky joints that make something as pleasurable as an evening walk a personal prison.

And it really feels like a personal prison for you because :

+ Nothing makes you feel ” old ” more than not being able to move around or even tinker in your garage like you used to and participate in activities you love.

+ It steals your freedom to enjoy simple things like playing with grandkids during Thanksgiving!

+ Getting routine exercise is a mirage .

+ It can be eye-poppingly painful just to walk up the stairs like you once did.

+ Getting out of chairs is difficult.

+ It hurts when doing simple yard work or anything in around the house.

+ Patient’s report struggling feverishly to use their hands to work their smart phones.

+ Your ability to enjoy life while being mobile is hobbled dramatically.

+ It can disturb sleep, which makes you feel terrible and can lead to serious issues, (if you’ve ever tried to sleep with uncomfortable shoulders then you know what am talking about!)

C’mon admit it! Yes? 🙂

It often even hurts relationships simply because you can’t do many things you once did together, including …
“getting intimate” with your signifact other!


What makes it EVEN HARDER is the fear it’s all just going to keep getting WORSE.

Unfortunately, that’s true … IF you do nothing to address the underlying causes.

What Causes ‘ Tin Man Joints ‘ and all the physical and emotional problems it leads to?

— Being overweight
— Poor diet
— Unhealthy inflammation levels
— Overuse and misuse of joints are the major contributory causes of Tin Man Joints .

A Side Note:

( Always do your due diligence and seek professional opinions on supplements because many have been known to be

‘ fairy dust. ‘

This is when the right ingredient is added to a supplement, but in such an insignificant amount that it won’t help you. Some fly-by-night unethical supplement makers do ZERO independent testing of their products to ensure they are free of harmful contaminants like GMOs)

Just err on the side of caution.

Here’s the thing to understand why you could be prone to bad joints …

1. The Curious Case of the Collagen DECLINE

Collagen is the main protein in your cartilage, the spongy tissue that cushions the ends of your bones where joints meet .

It protects your bones from grinding against each other.

Due to various ” modern lifestyle ” factors this collagen can deteriorate as time goes by.

In fact , by the time people reach their
“Middle ages, ” the body often produces less than HALF the collagen it did in youth!


Translating into decreased cartilage, which in turn means less cushioning, which in turn means … joint discomfort and stiffness , aka Tin Man Joints!

2. The ATTACK of the Enzymes

When joints are compromised,

collagen – degrading enzymes known as MMPs and 5 – Lox run rampant, leading to even more rapid collagen and cartilage deterioration .

In other words, they make a bad matter worse .

3. The DRY OUT

Hyaluronic acid is the key plank of the body’s joint fluid ( aka ” Synovial fluid. ” )

Unfortunately, as cartilage deteriorates, so does both the quality and quantity of this joint fluid.

Just like the Tin Man needed oil for his creaky joints, your joints need
” synovial fluid ” to provide adequate lubrication and help reduce friction between the bones.

Here’s the thing to keep in mind..

The SECRET to staying limber is by keeping your joints well lubricated . That’s the OPEN secret.


You see , you truly don’t need to

” feel old ”

and avoid doing things that put the joy in life. Things you love doing like tennis or golf just because the discomfort is awful.

You don’t need to suffer just to get out of chairs and walk up the stairs …and your sleep, weight, and relationships don’t need to suffer too.

Bottomline …

If you are tired of the stiffness that seems, oddly enough, to take hold in the mornings .

Then , we urge you to contact Piedmont Eastside Rheumatology for the most effective treatment options available that you can take today to help relieve those ” Tin Man Joints.”


Contact Us:

Piedmont Eastside Rheumatology

2121 Fountain Dr
Suite E
Snellville GA 30078

Article by PER

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